Saturday, 14 May 2011

Britney Spears - Femme Fatale Review.

Well, well, well. If it isn't Britney, bitch. Goddess of Pop or Queen of Flop? (Just in case Xtina passes away...) Read the following track by track review by Becky (@TheRebeccaC)

01.  Till The World Ends:

The chorus is alright. The verse, meh. I can't stand how much they auto-tune Brit, she is a decent singer, she doesn't need that much on her voice. I would dance till the world ends though. "I can take it, take it, take no more" Turn it the f*** off already. In total I hate this song, sorry. 3/10 

*Robert really likes this though... 7/10 from him.*

02. Hold It Against Me:

I have to say, this song got me dancing, and I do love some parts of the instrumental breakdown. I do love the chorus, how broken down it is and then, back into that synth line pulsing the beat. Overall, I do like this song, good effort Britney, well good effort Dr Luke I think we mean. 

03. Inside Out:

The very start of this song reminds me of 'Closer' from Kylie's Aphrodite. Little idea steal there? Maybe. The chorus is very similar to the verse, not liking it too much.
Dr. Luke's stuff sounds all the same to me really. He didn't do 'Closer' though. That was Stuart Price's genius. 

04. I Wanna Go:

Instantly it reminds me of a David Guetta production. The chorus is very like Hold It Against Me, the breakdown and then an explosion of club beats. Already I'm hearing similarity in the songs, they really are alike. 

05. How I Roll:

This song is weird. I'm liking that it is different than the other ones. You can hear piano which is a nice change from the very electronic tunes of the other songs. It sounds like she's beat boxing throughout it. Good studio trick there. "I got 9 lives like a kitty cat" yeah, that's how I roll. The breakdown is good too. Liking this a lot.

06. (Drop Dead) Beautiful (Feat. Sabi)

I'm loving the chorus in this song. Exactly the way I like my bass lines. The bass line plays the whole way through the song, but explodes in the chorus. AMAZING. The breakdown starts with a very auto-tuned laugh from Sabi then she starts rapping. Pretty sure I heard "Steaming like a pot of vegetables" nice lyrics. 

07. Seal It With A Kiss:

Heavy bass line from the start verse. It's like a little childhood rhyme in the chorus, but dirtier. Like it. The breakdown is very like the Hold It Against Me breakdown, they were clearly proud of that song and decided to let 2 other songs have the same chorus and breakdown. 

08. Big Fat Bass:
Will.I.Am can’t sing, hence the heavily auto-tuned voice repeating Big Fat Bass at the start, and lets make this clear; I do not like him. The 1st verse is just "I can be the trouble, you can be the bass" about 8 times over. I like the hi-hat usage, catchy. In the second chorus there is an underlying keyboard synth which you hear in most BEP songs. Will.I.AM rapping. Going well. Breakdown, is a more stripped down chorus. Essentially repetitive in all the right ways.

09. Trouble For Me:

Verse is more Britney's voice than anything, with one synth line underneath. Chorus is alright I suppose, not really liking this song too much. It's a fader. 

10. Trip To Your Heart:

Very Ibiza sounding at the start and verse. Chorus is fleeting and the lyrics match it "I'll fly away on a trip to your heart" which I like. The breakdown is again, a stripped down chorus, better than the last song anyway. 

11. Gasoline:

Starts with a guitar line and Britney doing some suggestive noises. The chorus sounds Maroon 5 like, which I love. I like the song, catchy and a really good beat. Breakdown is awesome, loving it. 

12.  Criminal:

Wow starts like a song from a medieval shindig. Then a beat comes in makes it more 21st century (well it tries it's best...). Verse is plain weird. The lyrics I mean. The chorus is an ascending scale and then back to the medieval flute for the next verse with an added harpsichord sounding thing. Wow she likes the baroque instruments... The last chorus picks it up a little with synth strings, making it sound a bit more normal. Back to the flute... Bad ending to an average album from Britney.

Well who are we kidding, Blackout > Femme Fatale. 



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